JAPAN ~ Beppu : Kamado Jigoku (Cooking Pot Hell)

Silky blue, Kamado Jigoku Beppu , one of the best hot spring cities in the world, is also known for its "hells" (in Japanese "jigoku" 地獄). Seven photogenic hot springs which will definitely stimulate your senses. Since I like to take my time visiting places I decided to visit each one separately with a slow pace, starting with Kamado Jigoku , also known as the "Cooking Pot Hell". The south ticket office entrance-exit There are two ticket offices entrance-exits, the south and east one. Kamado Jigoku has six districts or points of interested, since the 1st one is just after the south ticket office I decided to enter through here. Entrance fee is ¥400 or if you plan to visit the other hells as well you can have a combination ticket for all seven hells for ¥2000 (valid for two consecutive days). If you have purchased the "Be Beppu" booklet you can have a 10% discount for the combination ticket for all seven hells plus a free on...