China ~ Beijing (2011) : Tiananmen Gate and the Imperial Ancestral Temple was a beautiful garden with almost no people so I decided to sit down for a bit and enjoy... Touched down in Beijing airport, immigration this time was extremely fast and straight forward, no questions at all, just a photo and an entry stamp. Customs even better, nobody there to ask anything, just go through the "nothing to declare gate". The bus to the city costed just 元 16 (€1,72 based to the exchange rate back then). Later on, in the metro, 元 2 (€0.21) ticket, there was an x-ray check and the girl was concerned about my shaving foam. No sprays allowed and my foam looked like a spray, I thought it was about my stuff or tripod being mistaken as a weapon... I take it out of the bag and she takes it to examine. Smiling, I take it back and put some foam on my hand making gestures that this is for shaving. She understood and nodded that it was alright. Beijing metro is clean, efficient and really nice. All in English as well, pretty crowded but...